Wedding Feasts

I create bespoke wedding menus that are particular to you, featuring ingredients or recipes that reflect your backgrounds, travels, significant places or interests.

See examples of previous wedding menus ‘Midwinter Wedding’ and ‘Victorian Music Hall Wedding’ on this page.

Midwinter Wedding

Old Vermont Punch


Beetroot cured salmon on dulse blini

Hasselback potatoes with herb smetana and caviar

Duck rillettes with golden mead pickles

Devils on horseback

Red chicory, whipped Roquefort and maple syrup walnuts


Daube of Venison

Cepes in red wine (V)

Honey-fermented cranberry relish

Braised red cabbage with orange and cloves

Celeriac and thyme gratin


Cheeses with chestnut honey and rye caraway crackers


Cloudberry cake with saffron chantilly and winter fruits


Victorian Music Hall Wedding

Colchester oysters and shallot vinegar

Aubergine caviar

Potted crab and brown shrimp

Whelks, cockles and mussels

Cornish lobster

Soft boiled duck eggs

Bread and butter, Green mayonnaise

Potato, leek and lovage pies

Radishes, Watercress, Butterhead lettuce

Neals Yard cheeses - Berkswell, Kirkham’s Lancashire and Waterloo

Figs, pomegranates and grapes

Pickled walnuts

Cake trolley with Victorian seed cake, flummery, honey cakes, plum duff and more


Alannah - Wiltons Music Hall Wedding

I can't tell you about the wedding...the way the men dressed in black and the women with great organza and taffeta  skirts billowed and swirled in colours from a Goya painting...the way it all started like a gunfight and exploded into a wild night of eating and drinking and dancing and the strings of lights glittered and the dancing spilled onto the street...I can't tell you how the children ran laughing round the balconies chasing the gypsy man with his I can't tell you any of that..
But I can tell you what Sanchia right from the start she listened very carefully to the story we she took the spirit of the celebration and the the beauty of the music hall and without any fuss weaved it all together to create a feast for eighty that was simple and sexy and very very lush.
I can tell you how she laid the tables out in the music hall... long and splendid covered in white linen and bought out great trays of fresh shucked oysters all salt and ocean dripping with bottles of old London porter... how pomegranates were split and dripping red and great slices of bread were smeared with buttery shrimps and crab... beets and crisp English lettuce in bowls with duck eggs passed down the tables and huge pies filled with soft creamy potato and lovage were laid out and roughly sliced and devoured.
And I can tell you how later as the mariachis began to play she sent in a trolley the size of a tall man piled high with seed cakes and cream cakes and lemon cakes and sweet dripping fat honey cakes and the champagne flowed and the first toast of the night was to the unassuming genius of Miss Sanchia Lovell...

Arwa - Shoreditch Wedding

The menu was very special and am so happy that for our wedding we had something that was unique and original, that balanced Persian and Western tastes, and yet was a menu in its own right with flavours that really worked, as opposed to being a composite or diluted version of either English or Persian food. It was a delicious meal that everyone really enjoyed - from the elderly Scottish relatives to the Persian guests to the younger Londoners - and that's not easy to do whilst serving something original and unusual. Everyone said they loved the food, we kept getting comments for ages afterwards.